Ensuring a consistent marketing message across all schools belonging to a Multi Academy Trust can be a challenge. Smarter Reach can consult, design and implement a thematic strategy that works across all media, from printed materials to digital advertising and online presence.

Smarter Reach and Reach4 Academy Trust (no connection, despite the excellent choice of name!) teamed up to work together on the Trust’s marketing strategy and implementation. One of the key elements of the strategy was the design of the “Reach4 Academy website template”, which was subsequently offered to every school within the Trust.

Working with this template has proved to have a number of benefits: It ensures that every Academy’s site has a professional, modern and fluid feel; the Reach4 identity of each academy becomes instantly recognisable; and no school administrator has to worry about adhering to lengthy guidelines and specifications because everything required is embedded in the theme.

At Smarter Reach, we pride ourselves on the excellent skills of our Design Team. Led by Director of Digital and Design, Ana Gracey, the team produces websites that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also SEO friendly and mobile responsive on all devices, as standard. From desktop to tablet, our sites are intuitive to navigate and easy to read.

To find out more about what we can offer your Multi Academy Trust please get in touch; we would be delighted to speak with you.