A prospectus is one of the most important pieces of school marketing material. It is often the first thing a parent sees and will form initial impressions of the school. Before parents have even found dates of open days, most will have visited the school website or read the school prospectus. It is therefore critical for all schools to ensure that their message is conveyed through material that will undoubtedly influence parents’ decisions.

Kensington Avenue Primary School asked the Smarter Reach team to produce a prospectus that was informative, with clear and concise information, image-led and gave the parents enough information to take the next step in their decision-making process. The format and accessibility of the prospectus was just as important as the design and images so, using the latest technology, parents can access and read the prospectus online or on mobile.

If you need a school prospectus or a redesign of your current prospectus, please get in touch to see how we can help.