When it comes to the preparation for your school Open Day, there are numerous elements to consider. Whilst your school prospectus, Open Day advertising and banners are important and will encourage people to attend on the day, prospective parents deserve a polished, well thought-through experience during their time spent at your school.
Many open days incorporate a talk from the Headteacher or Principal. The team at Smarter Reach can work with you to produce a first class presentation that will create a lasting impression. From the words in your speech, to overall design, layout and animation of slides, we guarantee your audience will remain engaged.
For the finishing touch, why not consider branded merchandise to distribute on the day? Items can then be taken away by the parents (and children) to ensure that you remain at the front of mind. Take a look at these notebooks that we produced for the Quest Academy as an example of what we could create for you.
For assistance with any aspect of preparation for your open events, please get in touch to find out more about how Smarter Reach can help your school create the perfect impression.