When it comes to marketing your school, if you have been doing the same things over and over again then now might be a good time to look for some new, fresh ideas.
In this blog, you’ll find just a few suggestions that Smarter Reach can help you with.
School Website
Does your school website do everything that it could be doing? Whilst your website may be providing parents with current information, what about the whole host of other things it could be doing for you? Does your website offer the following elements?
- School calendar– An integrated calendar lets you put all of the important dates in a place where everyone can access them and even sync them automatically to their computer or smartphone / tablet.
- News and events– Is your school closed due to the weather? Have you won a special award? Has one of your students achieved something special? These are all things to include on your website.
- Mobile responsive– Can parents access your website from their mobile phone or tablet? Does the content look as good on a small screen as it does on a desktop? With the way that parents currently use technology, this is a Must Have feature of any school website.
- Results and performance– These are important criteria for many parents when selecting a school and an Ofsted statutory requirement for school websites. As a parent’s research often begins online, it is an excellent idea to share this information in a prominent place.
Social Media Design and Management for Schools
Facebook and Twitter are both excellent tools to communicate school news, success and general awareness of your school. However, sometimes it can be hard to stay on top of these rapidly changing, ‘responsive’ social media channels. What you need are professionally branded and regularly updated posts that engage your audience. We offer this to many of our clients, and when it comes to school marketing ideas, it should be top of your list.
Did you know that you can set up your website to automatically send news and events information to your social media channels? This hugely reduces the drain on your valuable time and resources.
Digital newsletters
So often, children come out of school with bits of paper that never quite make it to their parents. More often than not, they end up in pockets, underneath piles of paper or – if you are lucky – stuck to the fridge!
Electronic newsletters are an excellent alternative as they are sent directly to parents and can be stored for future reference. Smarter Reach can design an eNewsletter that auto-populates from your website content. No more time wasted copying and pasting text into Publisher or Word!
In addition to this, we offer a whole host of marketing solutions covering traditional and digital forms of marketing. From newspaper advertisements to an online prospectus, if you need inspiration and help with school marketing ideas then talk to Smarter Reach.