School searches begin online. Fact! When it comes to choosing a school, online first impressions count.
It is important that your school’s online presence is a true reflection of the uniqueness of your school. Most parents start their research in Google. What they find needs to reassure them that your school is the right one for their child and gives them enough information to take the next step and arrange to visit.
There are many things a school should consider to ensure that their online presence creates the right impression, most importantly:-
- A website, like this one built for Woodcote Primary School, that is functional, clean, well designed and easy to navigate
- A video that portrays the grounds, introduces the teachers and shows happy, engaged children learning
- Social Media channels that are easy to find, informative and engaging
Other online elements such as eNewsletters, prospectuses and targeted digital advertising can also be considered. In fact using page turning technology we are able to offer both an in print and online prospectus or newsletter like this one that we produced for Quest Academy
If your school’s online image needs some love, then talk to the team at Smarter Reach about how we can help you.