A school prospectus is an excellent way to showcase what your school has to offer from the grounds, the facilities, your school’s ethos and the overall experience offered to pupils.
Professional photographs and inviting headlines can capture the imaginations of prospective parents and encourage them to take the next steps in their enquiry.
With the evolution of technology, it is now a standard expectation that documentation be available on smartphones and tablets. Whilst there is still a place for a traditional printed media, it is essential to offer your prospectus in an easy to read digital format.
Smarter Reach provides a comprehensive service: From writing the text and organising professional photography to producing printed and digital versions of your school prospectus. Our digital brochure technology allows your readers to view pages on their mobile device just as they would with a printed format. You can see examples of the work that we have completed for other schools here.
If you currently have a prospectus that needs updating or digitalised or you require a brand new prospectus, please speak to us to find out how we can help.