The Quest Academy‘s open events were a resounding success with hundreds of prospective pupils and their parents turning up to tour the brand new academy buildings and to get a flavour of what life at The Quest is like.

NewsletterThe Smarter Reach team was delighted to be involved in a number of aspects that contributed to the success of the evening, including:-

  • Prospectus design and production for both the main school and folder design for the Academy’s Sixth Form (Quest6) prospectus
  • Script creation, production and direction of the Open Day speeches. These involved three members of staff, four students, a comprehensive slide show timed to match the speeches, music and lighting
  • Promotion of events via the school’s social networks
  • Content creation and design of the Quest Academy’s quaterly school newsletter
  • Design of marketing collateral including pull-up banners, external banners, display advertising in local press and online media
  • Design and distribution of flyers to 20,000 local homes
  • Design and production of branded gifts for prospective pupils to take home, including oyster card holders, notepads and pens
  • Design of online “check-in” system so that the Academy knew who had attended and captured information for follow-up communications

It’s been a pleasure to work with the team at Quest on this project.



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